Welcome to the

Christopher Eden Educational Foundation

Creating Opportunities for Everyone

Are you under 25 years old?

Do you need financial help for any educational purpose?

Grants are available for:

Sports, music, the arts and school trips.

Books for school, college or university study.

Equipment and tools for technical courses and apprenticeships.

Grants are also available for organisations who work with the young residents of Beverley.

I am so grateful to the Christopher Eden Trust for helping me in my Para sport. Without their help I wouldn’t have been able to compete in my National and British Swimming competitions.  The grant helped me progress in my swimming to take it to a higher level. This year I won British Para National champion title winning gold in the 100m Backstroke.  I have achieved the qualifying times in all my races.  I have been invited to trial in London for the Para Olympics.  Thank you so much Christopher Eden Trust.


The Christopher Eden Foundation has helped our family out massively, It’s helped us fund the items we need to help with our sons sensory and disability needs, from a laptop and specialist keyboard to help him with his Educational schooling side, to transforming a shed into a sensory shed for his sensory processing disorder to our recent help of a seated arbour and sensory items for his sensory garden area which he can watch the tractors in the field and draw pictures. We appreciate all the support we’ve received and we definitely couldn’t of done it without the help of The Christopher Eden Foundation

The Fullers

The Christopher Eden Fund really helped me and supported me with starting college. They allowed me to be able to get books, equipment and uniform that made my education so much more accessible and comfortable. They’ve always been great and very reliable!!



This is Beverley's own charity

It awards grants to any young person who is under the age of 25 and currently live in Beverley or the surrounding area and have studied at a Beverley School.