How We Can Help

If you are under 25 and live in or near the town of Beverley you could be eligible for a grant (The trustees may take your family circumstances into account when making their decision)

Our aims are to promote the education of young people, including their social and physical education through

  • helping with the cost of books and equipment while at school, college or university
  • assisting with costs of tools or clothing for persons entering a trade or profession
  • giving grants for educational visits
  • supporting the study of sport, music or other arts

Recent grants for individuals have included: ballet shoes for a child to have lessons with the Royal Ballet School, provision for a sensory cabin for a disabled child, help for a student who had won a sport’s scholarship in the USA, Special glasses have been provided for a student with severe dyslexia.

Grants are also available for organisations which work with the young residents of Beverley

In the past we have helped junior sports clubs buy equipment, the Girl Guides have been helped with training for young leaders and schools have regularly been assisted with grants towards the cost of residential school visits as well as for other projects.

What we ask of you

We expect applicants to provide evidence such as invoices, receipts, place acceptance or book lists for College/University courses.

We also ask that recipients of grants should acknowledge receipt of the grant so that our records are kept up to date via our contact form.

We also love receiving photos of how you have spent your grant!

The Trust meets quarterly in January, April, July and October to consider requests.